Job Vacancy ASAP
“Yunior Tester”
- Pendidikan SMK/D1/D3 – Teknologi Informasi
- Pengalaman dalam melakukan testing aplikasi di Windows, Android dan IOS selama 1-2 tahun,
- Memahami testing scenario,
- Melakukan testing sesuai skenario test yg sdh disetujui,
- Merekam gejala atau kondisi error setiap testing,
- Melaporkan hasil testing ke supervisor,
- Membuat laporan akhir (kesimpulan) dari hasil testing,
- Mengerti bahasa english.
- Gaji 4 – 5 Juta perbulan
- Ada BPJS Ketenagakerjaan
- BPJS Kesehatan
- Masa kontrak kerja 6 bulan, dapat diperpanjang sesuai kebutuhan proyek.
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Job Vacancy ASAP
“Yunior Tester”
- Pendidikan SMK/D1/D3 – Teknologi Informasi
- Pengalaman dalam melakukan testing aplikasi di Windows, Android dan IOS selama 1-2 tahun,
- Memahami testing scenario,
- Melakukan testing sesuai skenario test yg sdh disetujui,
- Merekam gejala atau kondisi error setiap testing,
- Melaporkan hasil testing ke supervisor,
- Membuat laporan akhir (kesimpulan) dari hasil testing,
- Mengerti bahasa english.
- Gaji 4 – 5 Juta perbulan
- Ada BPJS Ketenagakerjaan
- BPJS Kesehatan
- Masa kontrak kerja 6 bulan, dapat diperpanjang sesuai kebutuhan proyek.
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Job Vacancy ASAP
“PM (Project manager)”
Project Manager (IT PM) with qualification as the followings :
- S1 Informatics / Information Technology
- Worked experience in banking, to work and lead a project on EFT (electronic fund transfer), Payment gateway, MIS & Bank central’s reporting, IFRS system
- implementation with at least 3-4 years.
- Have worked with Business Analyst (BA) in completion of the requirement document such as BRD, HLD, FSD and As Is and Target State & System Roadmap
- Willing to work on project basis / contract base employment
- Gaji 15 – 18 Juta perbulan (based on experience)
- Ada BPJS Ketenagakerjaan
- BPJS Kesehatan
- Masa kontrak kerja 12 bulan, dapat diperpanjang sesuai kebutuhan proyek.
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Job Vacancy ASAP
“Business Analyst”
Qualification as the followings :
- S1 Informatics / Information Technology,
- Had worked experience in banking, specially in bank central’s reporting, finance trade system, and financial payment system with minimum 3 years,
- Had worked for completion the required business document such as HLD, BRD, FSD & As Is & Target state & Roadmap development and implemenation,
- Willing to work on project basis / contract base employment for 12 months basis. can be extended base on project requirements.
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Job Vacancy ASAP
“Phyton Developer / Programmer”
Qualification as the followings :
- S1 Informatics / Information Technology,
- Had worked experience in banking software development, specially in website or poratl development, bank central’s reporting, finance trade system, and financial payment system with minimum 3 years,
- Requirements : Work experience as a Python Developer.
Expertise in at least one popular Python framework (like Django, Flask or Pyramid)
Knowledge of object-relational mapping (ORM) and API (Application program interface, Web method, SFTP, File transfer protocol, Front End development (UI/UX).
Familiarity with front-end technologies (like JavaScript, Java and HTML5, CSS, MySQL, Oracle)
Team spirit.
Good problem-solving skills. - Role : Write effective, scalable code
Develop back-end components to improve responsiveness and overall performance
Integrate user-facing elements into applications
Test and debug programs
Improve functionality of existing systems
Implement security and data protection solutions
Assess and prioritize feature requests
Coordinate with internal teams to understand user requirements and provide technical solutions. - Ada BPJS Ketenagakerjaan
- BPJS Kesehatan
- Masa kontrak kerja 12 bulan, dapat diperpanjang sesuai kebutuhan proyek.