IT Security

Become an IT Security Specialist Learn the core concepts needed to secure your organization’s network as a system security specialist. In this learning path, you will cover all the basic IT security : practical skills to secure hardware and network data to cryptographic basics and cybercrime investigations and responses. Learn the principles of IT security and cyber security. Develop practical skills to secure the network. Investigate cyber crime and know the basics of computer forensics.

IT Security

Cyber security assessment framework
Composed of three parts
Framework Core
Set of activities, desired outcomes, and applicable references (e.g., ISO, NIST 800-53)
Consists of five functions: Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond, Recover
Identifies key categories for each function
Framework Implementation Tiers
Characterize cybersecurity practices over a range from Partial (Tier 1) to Adaptive (Tier 4)
Provide context on how an organization views cybersecurity risk
Framework Profiles
Used to identify opportunities to improve cybersecurity posture by comparing a Current profile (“as is” state) to a Target profile (“to be” state)
Supports prioritization and measurement of progress towards Target profile

  • Core security Assessment
  • Advanced Persistent Threat
  • Self Assessment Cyber Resilience Review (CRR)
