Software Development
Software development is the process of developing software through successive phases in an orderly manner. This process does not only include the actual writing of the code but also the preparation of the requirements and objectives, what design must be encoded, and confirmation that what has been developed has fulfilled the objectives.
Before a system development method arises, the development of a new system or product is often carried out using management experience and intuition and technical personnel. However, the complexity of modern systems and computer products has always made the need for a variety of regular development processes clear.
In software engineering, the software development process is the process of dividing software development work into different phases to improve design, product management, and project management. This is also known as the software development life cycle. This methodology can include pre-definitions of items and certain artifacts made and completed by the team to develop or maintain applications.
Most of the development process can be described. Other methodologies include waterfalls, prototyping, iterative and incremental development, spiral development, fast application development, and extreme programming.
Some people consider the term life cycle to be more general for a more specific term methodology and software development category to refer to specific processes chosen by a particular organization. For example, there are many specialized software development processes that fit the spiral life cycle model. This field is often regarded as part of the system development life cycle.
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